Is it possible to run the washing machine twice in a row

23.12.2024 06:50

When starting to wash, housewives sort the laundry by type of fabric, color, and washing mode. The correct method, but as a result, the washing machine has to be started several times in a row.

Rarely thinking about whether it is possible to turn on the machine two or even three times in a row, users of household appliances are then only surprised by the problems that arise.

How many times can the machine be turned on?

The service life of a modern washing machine is on average 12-14 years, and even longer if used carefully.

Washing machine
Photo: © Belnovosti

But neglecting the manufacturer's recommendations leads to the equipment breaking down faster.

It is possible to avoid unplanned expenses for repairs or purchasing new equipment.

To do this, you will have to take care of the equipment and at least refer to the instructions before loading the second wash, as soon as you take clean laundry out of the drum.

Typically, manufacturers recommend maintaining at least a two-hour interval between washes.

In a shorter time, the equipment does not have time to rest.

This means that individual components and assemblies of the machine may overheat and simply burn out.

In addition, many home appliance repair specialists do not recommend running the washing machine more than 2 times a day.

By following the recommendations of experts, you can extend the life of your household appliances.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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