It is no surprise that canned corn is extremely popular with consumers.
The fact is that this product is an essential ingredient in many delicious salads.
Canned corn also goes well with meat and can be used as a side dish.

However, a buyer can easily make a mistake and buy a low-quality product. In this case, the meal is unlikely to be enjoyable.
How to avoid such a situation? How to find the most delicious and healthy canned corn in the store?
Fortunately, everything is very simple: you just need to study the information on the can.
The presence of one simple inscription on the packaging indicates that the product is of high quality.
What should be written on a can of corn?
It’s very simple: we’re talking about the inscription “GOST”.
This abbreviation indicates that the product is manufactured according to state standards in compliance with quality indicators.
This corn will certainly be sweet and juicy.
But the inscription "TU" means "technical conditions". The latter are established by the manufacturer itself.
Canned corn, on the packaging of which there are the words “Manufactured according to TU”, may not be of the highest quality: it is possible that there is an abundance of water, the presence of husks, or the product has an unpleasant color.
It is also worth remembering the importance of the manufacturing date.
Firstly, you can't buy an expired product. Secondly, it's better to choose corn that was harvested and preserved in the summer.