Each family member should have at least 4 towels in the bathroom.
This advice was given by therapist and cosmetologist Kristina Radina.
The expert named the optimal number of towels in the bathroom per person in a conversation with Life.ru.

How many towels should there be in the bathroom
According to Radina, using just one towel is unacceptable.
There should be separate towels for the face, feet, and intimate hygiene.
There should also be a bath towel, and women with long hair should have a separate towel for their hair.
The hand towel, the cosmetologist clarified, can be shared.
To sum up, every person should have at least 4 towels, the doctor said.
As for the frequency of changing towels, it depends on the season and frequency of use.
In winter, it is enough to change towels once a week; in summer, in hot weather, daily changes may be required.
Towels need to be dried well to avoid the transfer of microflora from one part of the body to another, the cosmetologist recommended.