How Long Should You Keep an Orchid in Water: This Mistake Can Ruin the Flower

30.01.2025 11:40

Orchids, these graceful flowers that seem to have come to us from tropical forests, require special attention and care.

One of the most common problems that amateur gardeners face is the question of watering: how long should an orchid be in water to keep the plant healthy and blooming?

Before delving into the finer points of watering, it is important to understand that orchids grow in conditions where water is not always available in abundance.

In their natural environment, they often grow on trees, where the roots dry out easily after rain. Therefore, watering orchids should mimic these natural cycles.

Orchid Watering Methods

The overhead watering method works for most orchids, especially those grown in clear pots with bark. The water should thoroughly wet the substrate, but not get stuck in it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As soon as water starts to flow out of the drainage holes, stop watering. The orchid should stand in water for no more than 15-20 minutes, after which the excess water should be drained.

For orchids that have not been watered for a long time or whose substrate has dried out, immersion in water is useful.

Immersing the roots in water for 10-30 minutes allows the substrate to be evenly saturated with moisture. It is important that the procedure is completed after this and the orchid does not remain in the water for a longer period.

You can determine how long to keep an orchid in water by observing its condition.

If the leaves start to turn yellow or the roots become soft, this is a sure sign of overwatering. On the contrary, if the roots are dry and gray, and the leaves are wrinkled, the orchid needs watering.

At different times of the year, orchids' water requirements may change. During the period of active growth and flowering, in spring and summer, watering may be more frequent, but even here it is important not to overdo it.

In autumn and winter, when the plant is dormant, watering should be reduced, allowing the substrate to dry out between waterings.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor