What is New Year without garlands? First of all, it is safe.
This can be ensured in two ways: either by giving up the decoration altogether, or by being extremely careful with it.
And all because this electrical appliance is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

In fact, the garland is a source of danger for you and your home, and some of the dangers are potentially quite serious.
Threat #1 – Fire
Nowadays, they mainly sell LED garlands, which heat up significantly less than regular ones.
Therefore, due to the temperature of the bulb, the tree is unlikely to light up. But a short circuit is a very real threat of fire.
Remember: cheap garlands have very thin wires that can quickly deteriorate.
But even if you have expensive jewelry of this kind, you should still follow safety rules.
The following signs may indicate malfunctions: a pungent smell, heating wires, unusual blinking or switching off of individual bulbs.
Threat #2 – Electric shock
Unfortunately, there are many such cases. Therefore, always check the garland for visible damage or bare areas.
It is worth knowing that not only cheap jewelry can cause electric shock, but also expensive ones.
Since cats and dogs often like to chew on garlands, it is better to purchase a battery-powered device.
Threat #3 – epileptic seizures
Garland can cause such attacks even in healthy people.
LED flashing lights may pose a danger to people prone to photosensitive epileptic seizures, doctors say.
If such an incident occurs, doctors recommend covering your eyes with your hands and leaving the place of the “light provocation.”
Threat #4 – Toxic Materials
Cheap garlands are made from the cheapest materials, which can be hazardous to health.
If you feel a sharp and unpleasant smell, it is better not to buy such a garland.
When it works, the smell will get stronger.
If you breathe this in a closed room for a long time, you can “acquire” an allergic reaction or even poisoning.
And it’s even worse if such material catches fire – the consequences will be much more serious.