How to choose delicious yogurt: pay attention to the label

15.09.2024 00:30
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

Choosing a yogurt at the store can be difficult, as many manufacturers offer a variety of flavors and brands.

We will take a detailed look at how to choose real, delicious yogurt.

Study the product label

Before you buy yogurt, be sure to look at the product label.

Putting aside the design and bright colors, focus on the following information.

Sugar content

Some manufacturers add sugar or other sweeteners to yogurt to make it sweeter.

The product
Photo: © Belnovosti

However, too much sugar can reduce the health benefits.

Make sure that the yogurt contains no more than 8-12 grams of sugar per 100 grams of product.

Type of fats

Yogurt contains milk fat. Choose yogurt with medium fat content - this will help reduce the accumulation of cholesterol.

Choose natural yogurt

Some manufacturers add yogurt cultures to other dairy products, such as yogurt drinks or yogurt desserts.

These products may contain the promised nutrients, but they typically contain more sugar and less protein than regular yogurt.

Choose natural yogurt to help you get more nutrients.

Choose yogurt with live cultures

Yogurt contains live cultures of bacteria that help regulate digestion.

When purchasing yogurt, choose brands that indicate the presence of live cultures.

This information may be provided on the product label.

Choose plain yogurt

Some brands of yogurt contain added ingredients such as fruit, nuts or chocolate.

While these foods may look delicious, they may contain more sugar or fat.

Despite the general instructions, the choice of yogurt ultimately depends on taste.

To choose the best yogurt, try several brands and flavors.

This will help you find the perfect option.

Choosing a delicious yogurt is not as difficult as it seems. Follow these tips and find the best option.

Remember to pay attention to the nutritional value of the product, not just the taste.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Study the product label
  2. Sugar content
  3. Type of fats
  4. Choose natural yogurt
  5. Choose yogurt with live cultures
  6. Choose plain yogurt