Why stick a toothpick into the soil of a houseplant pot: an interesting trick - it will come in handy for many housewives

10.05.2024 10:02

A toothpick is a very useful tool.

Interestingly, it helps not only remove food particles stuck between teeth.

A sharpened stick can also be used for household purposes.

a plant
Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, it makes sense to stick it into the soil under a houseplant.

It turns out that this action has a meaning: a toothpick stuck into the soil allows you to obtain one important piece of information.

Why stick a toothpick into the soil

All housewives know that indoor flowers need to be watered periodically.

But following a strict watering schedule is not always the right solution.

After all, it may happen that a representative of the flora urgently needs water.

And it happens that the plant does not need additional moisture, although the time for the next watering has come.

Therefore, it is better to focus not on the calendar, but on the condition of the soil.

If the soil remains well moistened, then there is no need to water the plant yet. But if the soil has dried out, then there is no point in postponing watering "for later".

But how do you assess the degree of soil moisture? A toothpick will help with this.

Stick a pointed stick (preferably a long one) into the soil and pull it out immediately. If the device is clean or almost clean, then it is worth watering the plant.

But if particles of wet soil appear on the toothpick, then you can wait with watering.

Earlier we figured out whether it is possible to wash only one item in a washing machine.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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