Some housewives put one bay leaf in the container where sugar is stored.
This is not done to change the taste of the bulk sweet product.
The purpose of this trick is to protect granulated or refined sugar.
How exactly does bay leaf protect sugar?
Bay leaves have a strong aroma.
For humans, the spice smells pleasant, but for various pests it does not.
This is why bay leaf is a good “repellent”.
In other words, if you put bay leaves in a sugar bowl, the sweet product stored in the container will be protected from midges, ants and other insects.
This way, the housewife won’t have to worry about the condition of the important product.
By the way, bay leaf protects many other products in a similar way.
Thus, the spice will help the housewife not to lose stocks of various cereals, as well as flour.
Feel free to use bay leaves not only in cooking, but also in everyday life!
Earlier we told you why you should place bay leaves in the corners of your house.