The unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is annoying.
It usually appears due to improper storage of food.
Here you need to understand that all products should be checked.

We need to get rid of the spoiled food.
Afterwards, you need to defrost the equipment, and then you need to move on to washing.
Wipe the shelves and walls of the refrigerator with a solution of water and citric acid.
The product perfectly disinfects and eliminates odor.
You need to dilute a tablespoon of citric acid in 450-500 ml of warm water.
You need to wash the refrigerator with this mixture.
If the smell is still noticeable after treatment, you can put products on the shelves that absorb it.
These can be orange and lemon peels, ground coffee, and it is also acceptable to use slices of bread. In addition, you can put a cup of baking soda or crushed activated charcoal tablets on the shelf.
Earlier we talked about why you should put toilet paper in the refrigerator.