Emotional states can change greatly throughout the working day due to various factors.
Sometimes the pressure gets to the limit when you have to finish a project before a deadline or respond to urgent emails.
In some cases, it is important to properly monitor emotions and recognize outbursts of anger.

It's normal to be angry at work, but let's still consider the opinion of psychologists.
How to Deal with Anger at Work
Here are some tips.
- Be aware of your triggers. When you know what triggers your anger, it's easier to stop it.
- Defense mechanism: You can start doing breathing exercises or do some physical exercises.
- Action plan. This will allow you to better distribute your efforts.
- Talk about what's bothering you. Shouting and nervous breakdowns only help temporarily.
- Get plenty of rest outside of work. This is essential for increased productivity.
Previously, we wrote about how to increase self-esteem.