White socks very quickly lose their beautiful appearance.
The thing is that with frequent wear they become covered with dirt, which is clearly visible against a light background.
As a result, snow-white products quickly turn grey.

If the washing machine failed to restore such socks to their original appearance, then it is worth paying attention to another household appliance. We are talking about... a microwave.
How to Wash Socks with a Microwave
You need to soak the dirty items in water and “go over” them several times with laundry soap.
The soaped items should be thrown into a plastic bag. The bag should be tied well.
The resulting "construction" should be placed in a microwave oven. The heating time should be 1-2 minutes.
After completing the procedure, the treated items must be placed in a basin filled with clean, high-temperature liquid.
Pre-soaking should last 60 minutes.
This completes the preparation of the socks for washing. All that remains is to wash the items in the machine.
The result will be the return of snow-whiteness to the products.
Previously, we told you how to clean a toilet from urinary calculus, limescale and rust.