In the refrigerator that belongs to an experienced housewife, there is a high probability that you will find at least one kitchen sponge.
Why do some women keep this soft product in the refrigerator?
At first, one might think that low temperatures somehow have a positive effect on the condition of the material.

In fact, the sponge is stored in an unexpected place not for the sake of the product itself, but for the sake of solving a common problem associated with the refrigerator.
What problem are we talking about?
Increased humidity inside the device leads to the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms and the appearance of fungi.
In such conditions, food products do not last long.
To solve the problem, it is enough to put a dishwashing sponge on one of the shelves of the refrigerator, TUT NEWS reports.
As is known, the product has a porous structure. The material absorbs excess moisture.
As a result, the risk of bacteria and fungi appearing is reduced: vegetables, fruits and cheese stored in a protected refrigeration unit remain fresh for a long time.
There is an important point: you should not put a sponge in the refrigerator that has already been used to wash plates.
And the product, which has already coped with the task of “removing” excess moisture from the device, should be sent to the trash can.
Earlier we told you how to get rid of unpleasant odors from a sink or washbasin.