How to Get Rid of Unpleasant Odor in Shoes: 3 Working Methods

11.01.2024 08:36

Everyone has faced the problem of unpleasant odor in shoes at least once in their life.

The reasons for the problem may be different.

For example, this could be excessive sweating, poor quality shoes, etc.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As a result, you become embarrassed to try on new shoes in a store or take off your shoes when visiting someone.

It is quite easy to deal with such a delicate problem. There are three effective methods.


This universal product perfectly absorbs odors and moisture.

The method of application is simple.

It is enough to pour a tablespoon of the product into the boots, distribute it evenly and leave overnight.


If the temperature outside is below zero, you should put your boots on the balcony.

You can also wrap them in a bag and put them in the freezer.

Low temperatures will kill bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.

Hydrogen peroxide

You need to soak a cotton pad in this drugstore product and then wipe the inside of the boots.

Earlier we talked about how to properly dry wet shoes.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. Soda
  2. Cold
  3. Hydrogen peroxide

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