Anyone who has ever kept open cereals, flour or pasta in stock has definitely encountered the problem of bugs or moths appearing in the packages.
If such insects were found in rice or pasta, the product should be immediately disposed of. It is definitely not edible.
In addition, it is important to know how to prevent the problem.

How to get rid of small insects in cereals
First of all, all packages of opened cereals will have to be thrown away.
Cabinets in which such products are stored must be washed with a vinegar or soda solution.
In the future, it is better to immediately transfer rice, buckwheat or pearl barley into a container that closes tightly.
You should also pay attention to products whose aroma pests do not like.
The easiest option is to use citrus peel.
They should be placed on the shelves of the closet to provide protection from insects and also to give a pleasant aroma to the room.
Earlier we talked about five natural remedies that help repel moths in the closet.