An unpleasant smell from the sewer is heard not only because of problems with the pipes in the house.
Most often, this indicates an accumulation of food debris that remains after washing dishes.
In most cases, the problem is solved with aggressive chemicals, which are sold in abundance on store shelves.

But you can use the tools that most housewives have in their kitchen.
How to Eliminate Sewer Smell from Sink
Here are some ways.
- Water, vinegar and baking soda. Mix the soda and vinegar in a container and quickly pour the contents down the drain while the reaction is happening. After 30 minutes, pour boiling water over everything.
- Salt, ice and lemon. Drop a couple of ice cubes and some salt into the drain. Finally, add some lemon zest to enhance the scent.
- White vinegar and baking soda. Take a glass of baking soda and vinegar, combine and after the reaction occurs, pour it down the drain.
Previously, we wrote about what things should not be stored under the sink.