The smell of sweat can actually linger on clothing under certain conditions, even after thorough washing.
This happens because the bacteria that remain in the material are not washed out.
Because of this, clothes still smell even if you have used washing powder and conditioner.

Of course, you don’t want to put such a thing in the closet, and it usually remains hanging on the chair until better times or is simply thrown away.
How to get rid of sweat smell after washing
We suggest using a popular life hack that will help you cope with this problem.
You've probably already guessed that we're talking about vinegar, which is good at dealing with bacteria and eliminating sweat odor.
Fill a bowl with hot water and add a glass of vinegar. Then place the dirty clothes in this container for one hour and then wash them in the washing machine.
Next, the item needs to be dried well, otherwise it will smell bad.