Both old and new refrigerators are not immune to the appearance of a repulsive odor.
But there is good news: you can fix the problem yourself if you use the advice in this article.
To begin with, you will have to thoroughly clean the refrigerator, for which you need to remove all the products from it, and then remove the shelves and wash the “insides” of the unit with a soap solution.

To restore freshness to your appliance, place an open container of sliced citrus inside – this could be a lemon, orange, etc.
A similar effect is also produced by such a product as coffee. Fill a cloth bag with ground beans and place it on the shelf in the refrigerator door.
Activated carbon is also famous for its ability to absorb “aromas” of any kind; several tablets of it should also be left on the saucer inside.
Don't have any of the above on hand? Chances are you have a bar of soap in your home, which, as you might have guessed, should also be left in the refrigerator.
The main thing is that the soap has a natural composition - then it won’t be scary to leave it near food products.