Some housewives periodically encounter the problem of an unpleasant smell, the source of which is the washing machine.
This happens because you do not fully comply with the operating rules of the equipment.
What tricks will help to avoid the problem?
In order to never have to remember the unpleasant smell from your washing machine, you will need to deep clean the appliance every few months.

For this purpose, use citric acid or vinegar diluted with water.
Dirty things
Laundry baskets were invented for a reason, so you definitely shouldn't ignore them. If dirty clothes are left in the washing machine for a long time, an unpleasant smell will definitely remain.
Don't rush to close it after using the equipment: let the machine dry. The fact is that a humid environment is simply an ideal place for the reproduction of various fungi and microorganisms.
Many experienced housewives wipe any rubber parts with a special towel. You should also acquire this useful habit.
Laundry detergent
Often the problem of unpleasant odor is encountered when mainly using liquid detergents for washing.
You have to be careful with them.
Sometimes we use much more product than required. And this is harmful to the equipment itself.