Many people know that preparing for sleep is a very important and responsible issue, on which our appearance, health and emotional state depend.
Therefore, there are important rules that allow you to make the rest process most effective.
In particular, it is recommended to maintain the temperature in the bedroom no higher than seventeen degrees, provide high-quality air, keep the room clean and use natural fabrics for bed linen.

But for experienced housewives this is not enough. They often put lavender or bay leaf under the pillow.
What does this give?
As many people know, aromas have a huge impact on a person. Lavender and bay leaf help to make sleep deep and high-quality.
Thanks to this, you will be able to properly rest, gain strength and fully recover.
If you follow this advice on a regular basis, you can even significantly improve your appearance: regular quality sleep is a well-known secret of beauty.
There is no need to put plants under your pillow together: choose a more pleasant scent for yourself.