Any housewife knows that the shelf life of natural honey is practically unlimited, since the product has a special chemical composition.
However, using it in cooking becomes difficult over time.
The reason is simple: natural honey begins to crystallize after some time.
At the same time, it is possible to bring it back to a liquid state using different methods. However, they are dangerous because they can deprive the product of all its valuable properties, leaving only the taste. You don’t want to eat such honey at all. But there is one method that will allow the product to preserve its rich chemical composition and acquire a liquid consistency again.
What needs to be done for this?
First, measure out the amount of honey you need for your recipe or plan to use. Place it in a small bowl or miniature salad bowl.
Meanwhile, pour water into the pan and heat it up to forty degrees. If you heat it up to a higher temperature, the healthy honey will turn into an ordinary dessert: it does not react well to heat treatment.
We put our bowl with the product into the water so that it does not get inside. We wait 10-15 minutes, mix the honey and boldly begin to cook.