They're Just Pretending to Be Clean: 6 Signs That Your Apartment Owners Are Slobs

02.07.2023 20:35

Many people, when inviting guests into their home, want to make only a positive impression and clean up beforehand, work on interior details so that the home looks neater.

You can enter a house and immediately be surprised by the beautiful renovation, quality furniture and thoughtful decor elements. But still, this is not what forms the final opinion about the owners of the house.

We can recall 6 objects in the apartment that demonstrate that the owners are slobs.

Dirty front door

After all, this is the first thing the guest sees.

A door with noticeable dirt also indicates a dirty house.

Cleaning products
Photo: © Belnovosti

Divorces on mirrors

A room with streaks, dust and fingerprints on the mirrors looks sloppy.

Wet rags

It is better to buy disposable products so that cleaning rags do not hang on the radiators for several days. When guests arrive, they should be put away so that no one accidentally touches them.

Wilted indoor plants

Plants in the house create a sense of coziness and comfort, purify the air and simply complement the interior. Therefore, they need to be looked after, and you can’t forget about watering.

If a bouquet was bought, but it quickly withered, then it should be disposed of in time. It will only spoil the appearance of the home.

Dirty dishes

A pile of plates and cups in the sink indicates that the housewife is lazy.


They often accumulate dust and dirt, so it is important to pay attention to them when cleaning. If there is no time for this, it is better to replace them with regular curtains.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. Dirty front door
  2. Divorces on mirrors
  3. Wet rags
  4. Wilted indoor plants
  5. Dirty dishes
  6. Blinds