Experienced housewives understand that not every item can be left at home.
Some objects have a less than stellar reputation for being able to attract the most unpleasant events into your life.
Therefore, it is better to get rid of such dangerous things in a timely manner.
What are three things to remember?
Any damaged items
Since ancient times, it has been believed that broken, cracked or simply unattractive items will not bring happiness to the home.
Therefore, remove broken equipment, throw away dishes with cracks and restore furniture in a timely manner.
Dried flowers
This aesthetic addition to the interior is not the best choice for home decoration. Even images of dried flowers can cause problems with money and health.
Therefore, it is worth giving up such decor.
Old or empty wallets
Items that are somehow related to money can have an impact on the financial sphere. Therefore, try not to keep old or empty wallets in the house.