The hard deposits on the walls of the appliance will be destroyed and removed.
Even if you pour filtered water into the kettle, scale will still form sooner or later.
Resourceful housewives get rid of it without “chemicals”, using garbage that periodically appears in every kitchen.

We are talking about potato peelings. While the potatoes are boiling, you can throw the peels into a kettle, fill it with water, put the device on the fire and bring it to a boil.
After boiling, remove the kettle from the stove and leave for 60-90 minutes. Then pour out the contents and throw the peel in the trash. Rinse the inside of the kettle with a sponge.
It should be noted that potato peelings can remove scale, but only if the kettle is cleaned regularly.
If the scale has been accumulating for several months, and the quality of the water leaves much to be desired, then it is worth using more effective means. For example, citric acid or household chemicals.