Houseplants are not just room decoration. You can find many folk signs and superstitions that are associated with various plants.
Therefore, it is worth considering 5 flowers that should not be accepted as a gift.
Holly, also known as coltsfoot or mother-in-law's tongue, is a popular plant in interior landscape design.

However, there is a belief that a gift of holly can lead to the breakdown of friendships or family relationships.
The flower attracts negative energy and brings with it quarrels and disagreements.
Cacti are tough and resilient plants that are associated with endurance and protection.
However, in some cultures, giving a cactus as a gift is considered unlucky. It is believed to attract negative energy and can bring bad luck or cause problems in relationships.
Rose variety "black rose"
These are exotic flowers that come in a variety of garden varieties.
They have an unusual and mysterious appearance. However, giving a black rose is considered a bad omen. It is associated with sadness, death and negative emotions.
Begonias are beautiful flowering plants that are available in a wide variety of varieties.
However, there is a belief that a gift of begonia can bring misfortune or attract illness. Many believe that it carries negative energy and can disrupt the harmony in the home.
Yellow rose
They are usually associated with joy, friendship and prosperity. However, in some cultures, yellow roses can be associated with betrayal, quarrels or the destruction of relationships.
Giving a yellow rose may be seen as an inappropriate act, especially in a romantic context.