Garbage bags are an indispensable thing. Without them, the bucket will become very dirty, even if you put a newspaper on the bottom of the container.
In addition, bags make it much easier to throw away waste. It is enough to take out the bag with all its contents, and then throw it into the garbage chute or into the trash can.
However, many housewives put bags on the bucket incorrectly.
The result is often the “zeroing out” of all the benefits of using such things.
A common mistake
Almost all people put only one garbage bag over the bucket.
You shouldn't limit yourself to a single bag. Let the container have two, three or even five bags at once.
And then the trash can won't get dirty, even if one of the bags gets torn.
In addition, when removing a bag, you will not need to put a new one on the bucket. Of course, except for those cases when the "reserve" of put-on bags is exhausted.
One more recommendation
It is good if the bags have ties. In this case, it is worth gluing two plastic hooks, which are usually used to hang towels, to the side of the bucket.
Simply hook the drawstring onto the hanger and the garbage bag will not slip off.