How to Whiten Kitchen Towels with Salt: A Clever Method Housewives Will Love

06.05.2023 21:11

Regular washing of kitchen towels does not always result in the return of the items to their original snow-white color.

Especially in cases where you have to wash items that have noticeably turned grey or yellow.

In such a situation, many housewives start boiling towels.

But you shouldn't rush to do this procedure. First, you need to pay attention to one interesting method.

Most likely, it will give an excellent result. And the owner will no longer have to spend a long time bringing the items "back to life".

Photo: Pixabay

How to use salt

Sodium chloride is a product that can be found in any apartment.

It turns out that this substance can be used not only in cooking, but also before washing.

Yellowed or greyed kitchen towels should be subjected to a “salty” treatment.

This is done very simply: you just need to place the items in water with dissolved table salt.

The temperature of the liquid should not be too high. But not too low either. Moderate coolness is just right.

When preparing the solution, you need to maintain the following ratio of components: 1 tbsp of sodium chloride per liter of liquid.

Three hours of soaking in salt water should be enough to fully prepare the towels for machine washing.

Things will become snow-white. Not a single spot will remain on them.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief