Housewives have to face such a problem as daily washing of dishes and cleaning them from ingrained grease and plaque.
It takes a lot of effort to clean kitchen utensils until they shine and restore their beautiful appearance.
You can use both chemical and folk remedies, among which are two simple and accessible ways to keep your dishes clean and shiny.
Liquid soap
The universal solution will come in handy if you have to clean lids, baking sheets, mugs, glasses, spoons.
Pour very warm water into a basin or sink, add liquid soap at a rate of 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water. Then lower your dishes into the water and let them stand until the water cools down.
This method will help you wash a mountain of dishes in 5 minutes and return them to their original state of cleanliness.
Baking soda
Another way to wash dishes not only quickly but also efficiently. Use 2 liters of water, 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid soap to prepare a solution.
The solution will cope with grease and plaque, and dissolve ingrained dirt.
Pour the prepared solution into a saucepan, place the dishes in the water and put on the fire. Boil the dishes over low heat for 20-30 minutes, and after the procedure rinse the forks, spoons, saucepans and plates under running water.
Don't doubt the effectiveness of these life hacks. They will help your dishes always stay clean and sparkling.