Ticks Just Hate This: Harmless Protection Against Parasites

20.04.2023 14:42

The first enemy in a garden plot is not the Colorado beetle or the mole cricket, and not even mosquitoes and wasps. The worst thing is when ticks settle in the garden.

Not only is it not an easy task to remove a parasite from the body of a person or a pet, but a bite is also like a lottery – in the sense that ticks are carriers of dangerous infections.

We will tell you about one means of protection that these insects hate.

You can chemically treat the area against ticks. But in this case, there is a high probability that beneficial insects will suffer.

Besides, the drugs cost money, and calling specialists will also cost a pretty penny.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In this case, summer residents use natural means of protection against ticks.

In addition to tidying up the area in the spring and mowing the grass in time, you need to plant a hedge of chamomile or tansy around the perimeter. The insect does not like the smell of these plants.

With the same success, you can use a decoction of bird cherry bark, which for some reason ticks do not like.

You can also make your own spray using lemon eucalyptus oil, alcohol and a little water.

It is not recommended to apply essential oil to the skin in its pure form, as it may cause irritation.

Mix ethyl alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio and add a few drops of essential oil. According to experts, this remedy not only repels ticks, but even destroys parasites.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor