Three simple steps after finishing washing will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and extend the service life of your washing machine.
Many people, having washed their clothes, turn off the appliance, and that's it. They think that there is nothing more to do. However, this is a big misconception.
Washing machine hatch
After washing, leave the door open for at least 3-4 hours. But it is better not to close it for 24 hours so that the equipment dries better and faster inside.

If you always close the hatch after washing, then over time an unpleasant smell will come from the machine. In addition, the clothes will also smell musty.
Powder tray
This detail is also worth paying attention to. Firstly, moisture accumulates here too. Secondly, some powder may remain in the tray, which over time will form a hard layer. As a result, the tray will become an excellent place for bacteria to develop.
Rubber seal
Very often, a little water, detergents and dirt remain in the rubber cuff after washing. Therefore, you need to carefully wipe this part with a rag, which will dry quickly with the door open and will not become a haven for bacteria and mold.