It happens that no matter how hard a housewife works, there is still no order in the apartment or house.
But the reason for the eternal chaos is not that the house is not cleaned as often as it should be, but in other bad habits. There are five of them in total.
These are the habits that destroy coziness and comfort.
1. Cleaning schedule
The most important thing is to stick to a cleaning schedule. This is usually done on weekends, but it is largely determined by lifestyle. By the way, many housewives prefer to maintain order throughout the week so as not to spend a whole weekend cleaning.
2. Clean everything at once
By leaving things in places other than where they belong, we clutter up the room with our own hands. Another disadvantage is that it becomes extremely difficult to find the right thing later. Therefore, by putting everything in its place, you can save time and nerves.
3. Throw away unnecessary things
Things that seem still usable, but have been lying around for a long time, are best taken to the closet or thrown away if you are not going to wear them. This will free up space in the closet, making it easier to put away everything you need and can use.
4. Order in the kitchen
It is much easier to wash a couple of plates at once than to accumulate dishes throughout the day. During this time, bacteria can multiply, unpleasant odors can intensify, and the kitchen will look untidy in general.
5. Bed
An unmade bed also spoils the impression, even if the bedroom is hidden from the eyes of casual guests.
These seemingly unnoticeable details clutter up living spaces and prevent you from having a peaceful rest at the end of the working day.