How unsafe is it to reuse towels over and over again?
There are always debates around hygiene issues. Here's one of the latest: how often should you wash your bath towels?
The Dangers of Dirty Towels
Dirty, damp towels can contain dead skin cells, body fluids, and more.
After several uses, towels become a breeding ground for various microorganisms that sit on the towel.
Bacteria, fungi and other germs, various contaminants, dead skin cells, sebum and dirt can all be transferred from your body to your towels and back to your skin when you dry off.
How often should you wash towels
The answer depends on several factors. It is reasonable to use bath towels a maximum of 2-3 times before washing.
Bath towels should be washed every three to four times, or at least once a week. It is best to do this after three uses.
The face towel should be changed after each use, and the hand towel – once every 2-3 days.