Housewives don't even suspect how many wonderful discoveries an ordinary household refrigerator hides. It's not just a place to store food, but a real treasure trove of life hacks.
We'll tell you how to learn to use your refrigerator to its full potential.
Options that will surprise many, but they work
1. In addition to medicines and food, you can store cosmetics in the refrigerator, especially natural and organic products.
2. Even Soviet housewives hid nylon tights in the freezer. After such hardening, they only became stronger.
3. To prolong the life of cut tulips and chrysanthemums, you need to wrap their stems in a damp cloth, then wrap the entire bouquet in paper and put it in the refrigerator.
4. If a moth has appeared in your closet, you can freeze items made of natural materials one by one, including a fur coat made of natural fur. The pest and its offspring cannot stand low temperatures and die at minus 5 degrees Celsius.
5. And to refresh things in the summer after wearing them once, you can put them in a bag and put them in the freezer overnight. Great for T-shirts and denim.
You can do the same with your bed linen in hot weather.