Meat requires special storage and freezing technology.
Many people simply throw meat in the freezer, ignoring even basic norms and rules.
Therefore, it is worth understanding the basic rules for storing meat in the freezer.

Type of meat
Each type of meat has its own shelf life and storage conditions. The shelf life is also affected by quality, freshness and other parameters.
There are several features to remember:
1. Duck and chicken should not be stored for more than one year.
2. If the bird is not cut up, but whole, its shelf life is 8 months.
3. The rabbit can be stored for six months.
4. Beef, lamb and pork can be stored for up to 10 months.
5. Homemade sausages and similar meat products can retain their properties in the freezer for about 4 months.
If you violate the storage terms, the meat will begin to change its aroma and taste. Much also depends on the selected temperature regime, but the terms should not be ignored in any case.
Temperature conditions
We can recall several examples of storage periods for meat depending on temperature:
• from -6 to -12 – 4 months;
• 8 months if the temperature in the freezer is up to -18 degrees;
• Can be stored for one year at -18.
Important note: in most situations, there is no point in relying on these parameters. The fact is that after purchasing, there is no certainty about the freshness of the meat. It can be frozen and defrosted several times.
Preparation for storage
There are some tips for preparing meat for long-term storage in the freezer.
1. Do not wash the meat before placing it in the chamber. If you do so, the shelf life will be reduced. Also, after washing and freezing, the taste of the meat begins to change immediately.
2. Use a napkin to remove excess moisture. Important rule: the less moisture, the better the structure of the meat is preserved.
3. Large pieces should not be stored, it is better to cut them into smaller ones. This is logical, especially since it is much easier to defrost meat gradually.
4. It is necessary to think about the packaging. The ideal solution would be a vacuum bag. If you don’t have one, you can use regular polyethylene or food film, which will provide good sealing. In extreme cases, parchment paper can be used for freezing.
5. Each piece of meat should be marked accordingly. You shouldn't rely on your memory if the freezer is large and we are talking about long-term storage. If the meat is stored for no more than 1 month, then there is no particular sense in such markings.
What to do if meat has been stored longer than the prescribed period
Such trouble can also manifest itself. In this case, you should not immediately get rid of the meat and worry. To avoid negative consequences due to violations of terms, it is worth performing heat treatment for more than 1 hour. Violation of storage periods often manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant and characteristic aroma.