How thrifty owners use ordinary scotch tape: useful life hacks

17.01.2023 12:48

It so happens that transparent tape or its brother, colored adhesive tape, is found in every home.

However, few people know that such “accessories” can be used not only for office purposes.

So, scotch tape can be used to create an excellent organizer for small parts or components.

Just cut a bigger piece off the roll and put those useful little things (screws, nails, nuts, etc.) on one side. Cover them with the second part of the tape on top.

In this form, it will be quite problematic to scatter them and lose them, and it will also be much more convenient to store the necessary small things.

Photo: Pixabay

If the previous advice applies mainly to men, then this recommendation will certainly appeal to the fairer sex.

So, if you are wondering how to fasten a bracelet on the wrist of the other hand with one hand, simply fix one of the edges of the jewelry to the skin with a piece of sticky tape. When the task is finished, do not forget to remove the tape.

Finally, we will give one more, purely male advice - when working with a drill, make a mark on the drill with colored tape, thus measuring the length of the recess that needs to be made in the wall. This way you will definitely not drill more than necessary.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor