Not in nets or baskets: where is the best place to store onions at home

15.01.2023 12:25

When there are no other options, onions and other vegetables have to be stored in the apartment.

To ensure that your harvest or vegetables bought in bulk do not go to waste, you need to find the best option for them.

If everything is taken into account and done correctly, the onion will lie until spring without any problems. This way, you will always have a valuable source of vitamins and an essential ingredient for many dishes on hand.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Onions do not like excessive heat, but cold also has a negative effect. Therefore, there are two options for the vegetable - a pantry or a glazed balcony.

If there is no loggia, then onions can be stored outdoors until the temperature reaches 0 degrees. The optimal indicator is within +1 … +5 °C, and the air humidity is at 75%.

Nets, stockings and baskets are not the best option for storing onions. Experts advise storing the vegetable in thick paper bags or fabric sacks.

Plastic bags are not suitable. They do not allow air to pass through, moisture accumulates inside, and rot appears.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

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