It is estimated that in a normal situation a person can pronounce up to 60 words per minute, that is, one word per second. But in an excited state, twice as much.
Toronto resident Sean Shannon decided to improve his speech skills, and he succeeded.
A Canadian has made it into the Guinness Book of Records for his ability to articulate an unprecedented number of words per minute.

For example, he rattled off Shakespeare’s world-famous monologue “To be or not to be” in 23.8 seconds.
Then, using arithmetic calculations, we were able to find out the following.
The monologue in question consists of 260 words.
Considering the speed at which the man recited the excerpt from the work and the number of words, it turned out that he was capable of producing 655 words per minute!
And this is at a time when an ordinary person speaks at a speed of 60 words per minute, and when excited, pronounces 120-150 words.
Sean revealed his secret. A special breathing technique helped him become a record holder.
He learned to hold his breath so that he could say as many words as possible on the exhale before he had to inhale.
The record was set 20 years ago, and since then no one has dared to challenge the Shakespeare fan.
By the way, the Book’s representatives themselves are not yet accepting applications for registration of this kind of achievement.