Japanese designer Katsuhiro Watanabe became famous not only for his talent, but also for his hairstyle.
The 40-year-old man is the owner of the world's tallest mohawk, which is confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.
At the time of the record, Watanabe's crest of hair was 1.13 meters high.

This was enough for the Japanese man's name to be entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 2013.
As the record holder himself admitted, it was not easy to achieve a mohawk of such height, but he managed to do it, and was the first in the world.
Three hairdressers worked on the hairstyle simultaneously.
They used up an entire bottle of setting gel and three cans of hairspray.
It is clear that the mohawk does not last longer than one day and the Japanese put it on only for parties or to register a record.
But that's not all the achievements. To set the record, the man needed 15 years to grow his hair to the required length.
The Iroquois was borrowed by rock musicians from the Indians.
It is believed that the hairstyle was introduced into the subculture by Wattie Buchan, after whom it gained popularity.