It is unlikely that the staff and students of one of the colleges in the Indian city of Dharwad suspected that their educational institution would become famous throughout the world thanks to some cactus.
However, that is exactly what happened – the cactus from this educational institution was recognized as the tallest in the world (of those that were successfully grown at home).
What is noteworthy is that the succulent was awarded this title twice.

The achievement was first recorded in 2010, when the cactus reached 24 meters (78.8 feet) in height, which is why information about it appeared in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records with the note “the largest domestic cactus on the planet.”
The next measurements were taken four years later.
During this time, the plant has grown significantly in size, and the Book of Records representatives updated its record - this time the height of the cactus reached 33.4 meters (110 feet).
The record-breaking cactus's "birthday" can be considered August 15, 2002 - that's when the plant, which belongs to the cactus family, was planted.
Instead of leaves, it has thorns, and its snow-white flowers are 20 centimeters long.