Weighed 610 kilograms at 22: the story of the heaviest man in the world

29.04.2024 15:44

In 2013, Khalid bin Muhsen Shaari from Saudi Arabia became a global celebrity when he was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the heaviest man on the planet.

At that time, the young man was 22 years old and weighed 610 kilograms. Serious health problems were to blame.

Then the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah took notice of the young man and decided to personally take care of his health. By that time, Khalid had not left his home for two years and was bedridden.

On Abdullah's orders, a special plane was sent to Khalid, which was paid for by the king. The ruler also took on all the costs of Shaari's treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.

To free the boy from his home confinement, they had to break down the wall, as he would not fit through the door. Then a special bed and a crane were brought from the US to transport Khalid.

Photo: Pixabay

At the medical facility, Khalid underwent several surgeries: he had his stomach resected and had fat deposits on his stomach, weighing about 80 kilograms, removed.

After recovery, the man was able to move independently for the first time in a long time, using a walker, and he was able to leave the house in a specially designed wheelchair.

As doctors who took part in the real rescue operation that unfolded around Khalid said, without surgical intervention he could have died.

In six months, the young man lost more than half of his record weight. Then came additional surgeries to remove excess skin.

Three years after the surgery that saved him, Shaari learned to walk on his own. His last operation was in 2018, another plastic surgery.

Unlike many overweight celebrities, Khalid does not seek internet fame. The media last reported that the guy had lost weight to 70 kilograms and was living a full life.

Earlier we wrote about the oldest working theatre in the world.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor