How many pull-ups can you do in one hour: the result from the Guinness Book of Records will amaze you

16.04.2024 16:30

Pull-ups are one of the most common types of exercises.

It is especially loved and appreciated by those who want to always stay in good physical shape.

But the exercise cannot be called simple: not everyone is even capable of doing at least ten pull-ups. However, it is worth understanding that the world record holders will have impressive results.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How many pull ups can you do in 60 minutes

For over ten years, no one has been able to surpass the result of 993 repetitions of the exercise. This is truly an impressive result.

However, last year this was achieved.

A US resident was able to do more than a thousand pull-ups in just one hour. The exact result was one thousand and ten pull-ups.

It is noteworthy that the record holder at that time was 45 years old.

Before trying his hand at setting a world record, the athlete trained and practiced intensively for about a year.

It is noted that the man even received an injury shortly before setting the record.

Earlier we told you about how many cups of tea a woman who made it into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records was able to make in an hour .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

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