Three places on earth where it rained for a record long time: from several months to several years

20.02.2024 14:03

Planet Earth has been studied by man from top to bottom, and it seems that there is nothing left that could surprise a modern inhabitant of the planet.

But sometimes miracles happen, and some of them seem to mock the popular song about how nature has no bad weather.

Certainly no one thought that “all weather is good” when it rained for several months or even several years.

Rain Nature
Photo: © Belnovosti

We will tell you in which places on our planet it was not only raining, but real downpours that lasted for a very long time.

Oahu Island: 881 days

The record was recorded during the observation period from 1913 to 1916.

The local population was forced to hold an umbrella for 881 days, which is almost three years.

The accident happened on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii.

Maui Island: 331 days

A slightly less modest record was set by nature between 1939 and 1940.

As they would have said in the old days, the sky opened up over the island of Maui for 331 days.

India: 86 days

1995, Cherrapunji. Local meteorologists observed impressive and prolonged rainfalls that lasted for 86 days.

Previously, we talked about which dog breeds are considered the smartest .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Oahu Island: 881 days
  2. Maui Island: 331 days
  3. India: 86 days

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