Any responsible housewife knows that cooking utensils must be of high quality in order to provide family members with delicious food.
Such dishes always cost a lot, since high-quality components are used in their production.
However, sometimes pots can surprise you with their cost.
Which pots are considered the most expensive in the world
Tableware from Fissler
This is a well-known manufacturer of various cookware from Germany. The items are always of high quality. However, sometimes the manufacturer produces limited models of premium status.
The cost of elite pots starts from 100 thousand dollars. At the moment, the most expensive container for cooking was recognized as a pot, the cost of which was 607 thousand dollars.
Such dishes are made from precious metals and decorated with real diamonds.
But the manufacturer also has more affordable items, although their cost is quite high. Thus, you can buy a standard set of saucepans "without frills" in the form of gold with diamonds. The cost of the set will be more than a thousand dollars.
Frying pans and other frying equipment will cost several hundred dollars.