"Your Pet Will Die in 15 Minutes: How Summer Walks Turn into Russian Roulette!"
A temperature of +30°C is not just discomfort, but a death trap.
Dogs cool themselves through their paw pads and tongue, but on hot asphalt these mechanisms fail.

Veterinarian Valeria Kozelskaya warns:
"A five-minute walk at midday can result in third-degree burns and heat stroke."
In Rostov-on-Don, a husky named Baikal died while jogging with his owner. An autopsy revealed that his body temperature had reached 42°C, causing organ failure.
“He always loved to run… I didn’t think that July morning would kill him,” the owner wrote on social media.
1. Walking time is only before 8 am and after 8 pm. Even in the evening, the asphalt retains heat, so check it with your palm: if it hurts for 5 seconds, so does the dog.
2. Shoes or death - special shoes with silicone soles reduce the risk of burns by 90%.
3. Water with electrolytes - regular water does not replenish lost salts. Add a pinch of Himalayan salt to the water bottle.
salt - this saved the pug Fenya from dehydration in Sochi.