Why Do Dogs Put Their Muzzles on Your Lap: A Gesture of Love or Hidden Manipulation

10.02.2025 10:40

Your dog puts his muzzle on your lap, looks at you with sad eyes - and you melt. But what is behind this touching ritual?

It turns out the answer depends on the context, the breed, and even your mood.

Dr. Stanley Coren , author of the best-selling book How Dogs Think, explains that the gesture has its roots in puppyhood.

"Puppies nuzzle their mothers to get milk or attention. As adults, this reflex evolves into an attempt to establish a bond," he writes.

The journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science added: in 62% of cases, dogs do this when they sense their owner's anxiety.

Photo: © Belnovosti

“My Labrador, Bucks, always puts his head on my lap if I cry,” says Olga from Krasnodar.

But there are also less romantic reasons.

Ethologist Patricia McConnell said on the Talking to Dogs podcast:

"Dogs are great at reading body language. If you respond to a touch on the face with affection or food, they remember that as a way of manipulating you."

Jack Russell Gray's owner, Denis , admits:

"He pokes his nose into your knees when he wants to steal a piece from the table. Sly one!"

Interesting data came from Japan. Scientists from Azabu University conducted MRI scans of dogs' brains and found out that when in contact with their owner, areas associated with pleasure are activated.

"This confirms that the gesture has an emotional basis," comments Dr. Mikiko Nakano.

However, dog handler Artem Volkov warns:

"If a dog pushes its muzzle towards you persistently, ignoring commands, this may be a sign of dominance."

How to react

Trainer Elena Petrova advises:

"If you feel comfortable, pet your pet. If not, gently push it away and give the command 'Place'."

The main thing is not to ignore the signal: for the dog, this is a way of saying: “I need you.”

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor