Pugs, bulldogs, shih tzus - their faces are cute, but behind the folds of skin lies a real tragedy.
Due to human indulgence, these breeds suffer from breathing problems, eye inflammation and chronic pain.
For example, pugs often faint in hot weather because they can't cool down properly. And bulldogs are sometimes unable to give birth to puppies without a cesarean section. And all this is the price for a "cute appearance."

What to do if you have already bought such a pet? Watch your weight - extra grams increase the load on the heart. Buy a cooling mat for the summer and avoid walks in the scorching sun.
Wipe the folds of the face with chlorhexidine daily to prevent infection from building up. And never encourage breeding such breeds.
If you want to get a dog, get a mixed breed or a less popular breed. Love should not be selfish: sometimes it is better to admire "imperfect" dogs in photos than to torture a living friend.
But why do these breeds still exist? Demand creates supply. Many buyers are unaware of the problems or believe that "their dog will be an exception."
But the reality is harsh: even with ideal care, brachycephalic dogs (dogs with flat faces) live shorter lives and suffer more often.
If you decide to get such a dog, find a veterinarian who specializes in breed pathologies.
Regular check-ups, proper diet, and moderate exercise will help prolong your pet's life. And never use harnesses that put pressure on the throat - choose vests with a chest fastening.
And be prepared for financial expenses. Nostril correction surgeries, removal of excess folds, eye treatments - all this can cost tens of thousands of rubles. To love means to be responsible, even if it requires sacrifices.