Are you having trouble getting your cat to like you?
Does your fluffy friend reject affection and not want to become a real friend to you?
In a situation like this, it makes sense to give up one habit.

So, don't try anymore... to please the cat.
Oddly enough, this tactic often turns out to be effective.
How to behave correctly with a cat
You have probably seen this picture: there are several people and a cat in a room; the animal approaches the one who does not try to pet it.
And there is nothing surprising about this: cats treat people normally who do not bother them, do not disturb them, do not violate their personal space and do not impose affection.
Thus, showing indifference is an easy way to gain trust and even love from the cat.
Don't try to please your furry friend any more: no petting, cooing, or attempts to pick up your pet.
Show affection only when the animal approaches you on its own.
If you start to follow these rules, your pet will stop perceiving you as an “enemy” and a source of danger.