Many dogs have a habit that some people find cute and others find annoying.
So, almost every four-legged friend loves to lick the owner’s face.
The pet does this for several reasons. Firstly, instinct "kicks in".
Secondly, the animal demonstrates affection for the person.
Thirdly, it is possible that the dog is trying to “groom” the owner in the same way as it does puppies.
But many people have legitimate questions: "Can I let my four-legged friend lick my face? Isn't it dangerous for me?"
Dog licking face: is it dangerous
Let us immediately reassure people who never forbid a dog to lick a face: in the vast majority of cases, such an action by a pet is safe for a person.
The only exception is licking wounds. If you are injured, do not allow the animal to lick the damaged areas of your skin.
In addition, many people feel uncomfortable when a dog licks them, and feel embarrassed if other people notice the dog's behavior.
But if you don’t have any health problems or negative emotions, then you can allow the dog to lick your face.