Sometimes a cat's feelings remain a mystery to us until the very end: they do not always express their feelings clearly.
For this reason, it seems that cat love is more valuable and meaningful.
However, you can always figure out what your cat is feeling towards you, experts say.

What are the signs that indicate this?
The cat "butts"
This is a very cute "declaration of love" that will not leave anyone indifferent. The cat may suddenly come up to you and start "butting".
This sweet gesture means that the cat cares about you.
Not everyone can interpret this sign correctly either. Many are surprised by the fact that the cat comes up and starts "winking".
However, in this way the pet shows that she needs you and feels love.
Constant contact
If your cat wants to spend a lot of time with you, then you can consider yourself a happy person: your pet really loves you.
Earlier we talked about which vegetables are good for dogs .