It is almost impossible to resist the charms of a cat: people who do not like pets are more surprising than understanding.
However, we would be pleased to think that our feelings are mutual.
What are the signs that indicate a cat's affection?
The cat spends time with you
Experts note that animals will spend time with you only if they like you. If the pet is indifferent, it will find something to do without you.

An animal comes to sleep with you
This is a very important step for a cat, demonstrating unconditional trust, affection and love. The cat thus shows that you are not indifferent to her.
If your cat starts meeting you at the door after work, a walk, or even a shop, then this is a clear sign of a warm relationship.
An animal will not just tear itself away from its "important affairs" if it does not feel sympathy for you. Therefore, appreciate your pet.
Earlier we listed the main reasons why cats may jump on doors .