Sometimes it can be difficult for cat owners to understand what their pets want from them.
But in reality, learning “cat language” is not that difficult.
How to understand the language of cats
Firstly, cats “talk” to us by meowing.

If a cat meows at a high pitch, it wants to attract the owner's attention or demands food.
Purring is a sign that a cat is happy. Growling, growling and growling are signs of discontent and readiness for aggression.
You also need to pay attention to the position of the cat's ears and tail.
A cat shows irritation by twitching its ears. Ears pressed to the head are a sign of fear or anger.
A tail held straight up means that the cat is happy and excited.
If a cat wags its tail sharply, it is furious; if the fur on its tail is ruffled, it is a warning of an attack.